Okay, part of the reason that I posted the poochables last week is because I've been so busy with graphic design that I haven't spent much time in the studio.
Actually, I've spent a little time in the studio, but nothing is quite finshed yet. I'm almost there on three different pieces, so I'll post those soon.
In the meantime, I'd like to introduce you to
Anthony Ashur, recording artist. He just completed his fifth piano solo cd, titled "In God We Trust". This one features patriotic music including "America the Beautiful", "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "By Dawn's Early Light", a musical paraphrase of the Star Spangled Banner written by Tony.
I've been honored to design all five of his piano solo cd packages. This is the newest cover:

The recording will be available for sale next week. I can't wait for my copy to come! If you'd like to find out more about Tony and his music, visit