Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fun in the Sun

The Children's Art Expo was held this weekend at the Dorothy Hart Community Center.
On Friday, I helped Sherry Donley build a Greek Temple out of boxes. Temperatures of 105 degrees were predicted for Saturday. We couldn't help wondering...

If we build it, will they come?

Despite the high temperatures, the little ones turned out in droves. All the rest of the activities were indoors, but many of the parents told us that this was their child's favorite activity last year, and they couldn't wait to come. So the parents braved the heat, while the little ones didn't seem to mind it at all. Many had to be coaxed inside, with the promise of a cool drink, more activities and the chance to use... glitter!

As an artist, it was refreshing to see these little ones painting for the pure joy of it. They had no fear of "making mistakes" and they didn't worry about what anyone else was doing. They were in the moment and making the most of it.

I learned a lot from them!


  1. What a fabulous project and a beastly day!! You two ladies were real troopers to get it all together!!! I wisht ath we could offer more such venues for children to express their artistic side and to create cooperatively with no worries!!!
    Fabulous job!!!!!


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