Thursday, January 7, 2010

Virginia Wine Experience Show -- Leslie Brier, Guest Artist

Rick Klingbeil is a talented local painter, who is the artist-in-residence at the gallery space above The Virginia Wine Experience on Caroline Street. He has generously offered to share his wall space with Barry Sisson and me for the month of January. The opening is this Friday night.

Here are some of the pieces that will be there:

I've been wanting to do some circus-themed pieces for a while. This is Circus I. It is a collage on canvas.

Detail of Circus I.

Another detail. I've been working with layers and transparency. The majority of these images are gel medium transfers.

This is my Unicycle Rider. Another in the Circus Series.

This is Mermaid. This started out as a collage of magazine images. I then layered stamped tissue and acrylic paint over the collage.

Garden began with a layer of magazine transfers in purple and gray tones. I built up layers of color on top of the transfers, and then added torn paper collage on top of that. The final layer of color was put in with watercolor pencils. Accents were added with black ink and white gel pen.

The opening is this Friday night, January 8,  from 6:30 - 9:00 pm.
The address is 826 Caroline Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401.

Stop by and sample some of the amazing wines that The Virginia Wine Experience has to offer, and say hello to Rick, Barry and me!


  1. I love them! The way you did the bareback rider is especially beautiful. Your pieces are more gorgeous every time!

  2. thESE TRUNED OUT REALLY WELL, lESLIE!! yOU SHOULD BE VERY PLEASED!!! I love your detail doodles!!
    Great to see that Pat WInter has joined on as a follower- she does amazing CQ and is such a kind an wonderful person...

  3. WOW Leslie! Love what you've been up to! These collages are fantastic!
    I must confess I am not a circus fan, that said, your canvas could change my mind, it's brilliant!
    BIG congratulations on getting your artwork out there, that is not small feat!
    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  4. These are so very lovely! The colors, the swirls, the textures are all enough to lift my winter induced lows. Blessings to You!

  5. Les! That Circus piece is amazing!! The colors are stunning!! It reminds me a bit of some my favorite Romare Bearden pieces....collage and the colors...Truly Awesome! Love, Sue


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