Wednesday, December 9, 2009

FCCA Annual Member's Show

The Annual Members Show at the Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts is going on now, and runs through January 8. The downstairs gallery is filled to the brim with an amazing variety of small works, including paintings, photography, jewelry and mixed media

This is "Seed Sower", one of the pieces that I submitted. It is a mixed media art quilt, in a three-dimensional frame. Can you guess what the frame is made of?

The bottom of the quilt is made from an antique seed sack that was attached to a machine called the Cyclone Seed Sower. I would like to do another piece called "Cyclone" that features a boy penny doll.

Here is a closeup of the top. I finally decided to use two of my bakelite bird buttons. I've had them for several years, but hadn't found the right piece to put them in until now.

This is "The Queen". Her face is an antique watch and her body is a ruler. (Get it, ruler?)

This beaded rivoli necklace is also at FCCA. I love making the beaded bezels for the rivoli. It's so satisfying when you have the rivoli snugged in its setting.

I beaded the necklace part, too and finished it with an antique steel-cut button. I am being very brave about digging into my button stash these days.

I apologize for the spacing issues. If anyone wants to let me know how to lay out my pictures and text so that they align properly, I'd be grateful.


  1. GREAT JOB on the mixed media quilt!!
    I am so glad to have found someone else who LOVES playing with thrift store goodies.
    That looks like a serving tray you have glued it to....

  2. Oh My goodness!!! I lOVE SEED SOWER!!!! THank you SOOO much for posting a picture of it! I am going to see it in person today at FCCA. I also plan to join today!! DOn't you think that it is about time???????
    I amy just have to put down some red dots while I am there!! Wink wink!
    THe rivoli jewel necklaces are really wonderful- so very sparkly and one can never have too much sparkle!!!!
    Big Hugs!


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