Sunday, May 31, 2009

Back from Art & Soul Hampton Part 1

I can't believe it's been a month since I was at Art & Soul. I had such a great time, and learned so much in each of my classes. It was really fun to be with a group of people who really "get" what I do!

Vendor night was terrific as well. Thanks to all of you who bought my collage sheets and porcelain glove forms. I promise to have both on my etsy site soon.

In the meantime, here is the project that I created in Michael deMeng's Demented Toys class. If you haven't taken a class from him, I highly recommend it. He is as entertaining as he is knowledgeable. I also learn so much from the critiques that he takes the time to do at the end of each class. Here he is doing a critique under the watchful eye of the woman in the painting.

I was going for a steampunk kind of feel with my piece. She is constructed from an old roller skate, an articulated toy dinosaur tail, tiny bones, a china doll head, a christmas ornament and a vintage toy-camera pencil sharpener.
The main compartment is an old bob-bet bait box (Just half a turn and there's your worm!),
If you open the side of the bait box, there is a bone-y little surpise inside; the inner workings of the machine.

I was amazed at the variety and creativity in all of the pieces that came out of that class. It was such a fun day!


  1. Very cool. Looks like you were inspired by DeMang's style and class, and then he must have been inspired by your piece as I saw he posted a recent item that incorporated a rollerskate, tail and some bones. However, his did not have the cool bait box (just a 1/2 turn to get my worm!)

    Am looking forward to see other pieces you've done recently - either from Art and Soul, or just "regular" (if one can use that term for altered art.) :-)

  2. ohmygosh--thank you first of all for leaving such a wonderful comment on my blog and second, WOW--i'm lovin that piece that you made in Michael's class. You have a real talent and it's great to make your acquaintance, Leslie!
    Tammy Smith
    Homemade Circus

  3. Leslie!!!
    your pieces are fabulous!!! You definately ahve a great feel for this type of aseemblage work. All of your pieces have a wonderful spirit about them that says- Each piece belongs exactly where it hsa been place". SO amny of these pieces by other artists look very contrived!!
    Greaat JOB!!!!!!!


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